A sophisticated space to explore and enjoy the fusion of
coffee, tea, and cocktails.
Our Arriviamo bar is for coffee and cocktail lovers and for
those seeking to explore new bar experiences.
In addition to well-crafted classic cocktails, one can enjoy
exclusive drinks highlighting the unique flavors inherent in
Starbucks Reserve coffees and Teavana teas.
Enjoy at the
sophisticated bar or enjoy our beautiful 3rd floor open-air
terrace overlooking the Meguro River.

独創的なカクテルで、大切な人と乾杯する。 Make a toast with that special person with an exciting new cocktail.
アリビアーモ バーは、コーヒーイノベーションの魔法と創造性が出会い、五感を超えて感性を刺激する場所。コーヒーとティー、そしてスピリッツが、芸術的な感性と計算され尽くしたレシピ、職人の技術によって融合しました。バーテンダーに好みを伝えて、独創的なシグネチャー カクテルや、お酒を使用していないスピリットフリーのカクテルをお楽しみください。 At Arriviamo Bar you can encounter the magic and creativity of coffee innovation, with stimulation transcending the five senses. Coffee, tea and spirits are combined with artistic sensibility, exacting recipes and artisanal techniques. Simply tell the bartender what you like and they will create you one of our innovative signature cocktails or even a delicious alcohol-free cocktail for you to enjoy.
スターバックス リザーブ エスプレッソ マティーニ Starbucks Reserve Espresso Martini
The Starbucks Reserve Espresso Martini Craftsmanship in
coffee and alcohol creating the trend in cocktails. The
first cocktail that bears the “Starbucks Reserve” name.
The full flavor of espresso, expressing the comfortable
bitterness, vanilla bean syrup brings the abundant aroma and sweet taste.
Simple yet complex. Enjoy the silky crema that will last
until the final sip. The base espresso can be selected
among 3 seasonal Starbucks Reserve coffee including
decaffeinated coffee. Depending on the season, or
changing the coffee is another way to enjoy this
Arriviamo signature core cocktail.
※Due to a temporary shortage of ingredients, we are currently using non-single malt vodka.

Travel to the different coffee-producing regions,
with this mosaic of colorful
coffee cards.
このユニークな壁は、スターバックス リザーブのコーヒーカード5,000枚を使い制作したもので、「TOKYO」デザインになっていることがお分かりいただけます。カードに記された銘柄をチェックすると、コーヒー豆が世界各地からやって来たことがわかるはず。意外な産地が発見できるかもしれません。 This uniquely designed wall, created with 5000 of our very own Starbucks Reserve coffee cards, highlights the word "Tokyo" in eye-catching style. Check the names and descriptions on the cards to see the various production regions and countries our beans come from. See if you can spot some of the more surprising production regions.

Relax and watch the cold-brew process in action, drip by
drip, in the most luxurious of settings.
ゆっくりと水出ししたスターバックス リザーブ コーヒーは、コールド ブリュー コーヒーやその他の独創的なビバレッジに使われています。シアトルにあるスターバックス リザーブ ロースタリー1号店の蒸留器や実験器具を想起させるサイロを眺めながら、コーヒーの歴史に思いをはせてみたいもの。 We slowly infuse our Starbucks Reserve coffee in water to produce cold brew and other beverage innovations. Sit back and admire the testing and distillation equipment on display from the original Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Seattle as you think about the story of coffee.

開放的なテラスで、目黒川の四季を感じる。 Experience the four seasons of the Meguro River from the comfort of our outdoor terrace.
オープンテラスは、ロースタリーの中を見渡すことのできる特等席。山形の職人の技が光る木工のイスに座って、バリスタやバーテンダーの芸術的な技を眺めることができます。春には心地よい風を感じながら、中目黒の桜並木を眺めるのもおすすめです。 The outdoor decks (3F & 4F) offer a great vantage point to look inside the Roastery. Here you can enjoy the creations of our baristas and bartenders and savor the magical atmosphere of Nakameguro's stretch of cherry trees.
We are driven by our relentless need to innovate. To explore.
To care wholly and deeply about every drink we serve.
us here, where the art, science, craft and theater of Arriviamo
come to life.